• Welcome


From my family to yours


After 21 years in business, I have made the decision to move onto the next chapter. 

I opened the doors to My Husband’s Nuts May 3rd 2003.  Over the past 21 years I have been blessed to have met some of the most amazing customers who have become special friends.  From store owners to individual clients far away, you trusted me and my product.  I will miss you!  I will miss making local deliveries and
visiting with staff and store owners.  I
will miss writing the fun personal notes that are requested as I fill custom
orders.  I will miss adding that sprinkle
of love as I tie the ribbon on a gift set, I will miss hearing customers laugh
as they hear the name for the first time, but most of all I will miss introducing
my products into new marketplaces.  It
has been fun to travel and share MHN.  As
the perfect hostess gift, I never left home without a bag. 

Owning a small business has certainly had its ups and downs, but I would trade nothing.  Each challenge only made me
stronger and wiser to the world of business. 

Perhaps one day I will see the name and logo come back in fresh hands and taken in a new direction. 

As for my next chapter, I will be focusing full time on promoting the legacy of my
great grandfather, Will Rogers.  I have
been active as the family representative for the past 10 years and this has
become my true passion.  I invite you to
follow me on my new journey through “The Will Rogers Experience” (instagram /
facebook) and www.shopwillrogers.com     

As this page in my book turns, I want to leave you with happiness not sadness.  I invite you to share your memories of MHN
with me on our social media as I will be doing the same.

From the bottom of a forever grateful heart, THANK YOU for an amazing 21 years.

Love, Jennifer